21 November 2016

New RE100 report promoting EU energy policy changes

In the light of the upcoming revision of the EU Renewable Energy Directive a new report from RE100 calls on policy makers to ensure a better policy framework, allowing for companies to have easier access to renewable power in Europe.

These improvements will provide RE100 member companies (totally more than 83 at the time of publication) greater control over energy costs, long-term business stability and increased ability to support renewables. 

RECS International welcomes a more consumer-driven vision to EU policy making and is actively working with European stakeholders to increase the role of the consumer in EU legislation. Reports of this kind clearly demonstrate the importance of consumer choice in the development of a cost-efficient renewable energy market. It also shows that end-consumers are increasingly taking responsibility for their own electricity consumption choices, an aspect that must be strengthened in European energy policy.

For more information on the work of RECS International related to EU energy policy please contact the Secretariat at secretariat@recs.org

To view the RE100 report please follow this link.

Euractive has also published an article about the RE100 report, which can be read here.