06 September 2017

RECS International requests members to support the GO system in Brussels

Over the years the Guarantee of Origin (GO) system has increasingly proven its worth in the transition to a renewable economy. There is no alternative when it comes to reliably allocating renewable energy sources from producers to individual consumers in Europe. The significance of a robust attribute tracking system in order to establish a prosperous renewables market has been recognized by European policy makers, international stakeholders and the producers and consumers it is intended for. The market continues to grow every year and the international support and comprehension of the system is likewise growing.

On 27 September 2017 the think tank Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is evaluating the significance of a GO market during its meeting “Does the EU renewables sector need a guarantees of origin market?” in Brussels. RECS International will be there to represent its members and other beneficiaries of the GO market. It is our hope that this will send a clear signal that the GO is an invaluable instrument for the future of the electricity market in Europe.

There is no alternative system in lieu of a Guarantee of Origin market that allows for consumer choice. As such, RECS International will be publicly supporting the value of the Guarantee of Origin system in Brussel during this meeting and is requesting its members and partners to join in.

For details and agenda of the CEPS meeting, click here. More information can be found on the CEPS website here. For questions please contact the secretariat at secretariat@recs.org