26 March 2014

Greenhouse Gas Protocol releases consultation on indirect emission – Scope 2 – carbon accounting guidance

After a 3-year consultation the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) has released the public consultation document for their Scope 2 accounting guidance document.  The draft guidance document will be in public consultation until Monday, April 21st 2014.  During the consultation period the GHGP will hold a number of in-person workshops and webinars.

The GHGP has created a website specifically for the Scope 2 Guidance Public Comment Period. Here the organization published the reason for their guidance document, saying, “Since the Corporate Standard publication in 2004, both companies and energy suppliers have sought ways to use contractual instruments such as power purchase agreements, renewable energy certificate, Guarantees of Origin, and utility green power programs to support claims about the low-carbon attributes of purchased energy… To meet this need the GHG Protocol has for three years led international consultations on how companies should calculate emissions from purchased and consumed electricity, heat, steam and cooling (Scope 2).”

RECS International has been an active member in the GHGP’s Scope 2 Technical Working Group for many years.  Our work, as only one of many stakeholders, has resulted in the GHGP guidance document seen here today.  RECS International will provide one final response to the current draft document.  We will also provide an informational document to our members to simplify any individual company responses.

The GHGP Scope 2 Guidance Public Comment Period website can be seen here

The GHGP Scope 2 Guidance Document can be downloaded here

The optional Scope 2 Guidance Review Template can be seen here    

Members of RECS International should expect further information within the coming two-weeks.