04 June 2018

Create your account on the CertifHy GO registry

The CertifHy consortium and working groups are launching the pilot phase for the first EU-wide Guarantee of Origin for hydrogen. Market parties may now  create an account on the CertifHy GO registry and soon start purchasing, trading and cancelling H2-GOs issued by 4 pilot producers. Find out more on the procedure to open an account.

For those who would like to know more about this project, CertifHy is launching the CertifHy Webinars. The first webinar will be an opportunity for new and existing members of the CertifHy stakeholder platform as well as for everyone that is interested in Green Hydrogen Guarantee of origins to get up-to speed with the CertifHy project. Wouter Vanhoudt, CertifHy Project Coordinator HINICIO will introduce phase I and the current state of phase II of the implementation of the Green Hydrogen GO scheme on 12 June 2018, 9:30am – 11am (CET). You can until the 7th June here.